Monday, 29 August 2011


So, here I am, actually blogging for the first time. It is something I had always wanted to do but somehow never got around to.
First off, my name is Darhmie and the most important thing you can ever get to find out about me is that i am a God-Chaser. That is, I seek to live my life for Him alone. Does this mean I am flawless and perfect and so prim and proper? HECK NO! What it means is that I battle my flesh continually. I know what my flesh wants and I know I can't fight it off on my own. In comes the Holy Spirit, my very own Best Friend and Personal Helper. He is so indispensible. I am sure you will get to know more about Him later on through this blog. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour, the very reason for every breath I draw. He is the Eternal Lover of my Soul. I love HIM so completely.
Most of what this blog will be centered on are musings from my heart. I often have an opinion on most issues and I just love to be able to put it down in coherent, chronological sentences.
I think my blog will be entertaining or let me rephrase, I hope it will be.
Look forward to sharing with you, a few Strings From My Heart.